
The world’s largest taxi company owns no cars; and employs no drivers directly. The world’s largest hotel service owns no properties and employs no housekeeping or room service staff. Communication has been whatsapped, memories instagrammed, work homed, and life itself facebooked. We now live and work in the age of 24/7 connectivity where knowledge is free and abundant, everyone is empowered, everything is totally transparent, and the gig economy is here to stay.  While almost everything we knew as normal in both business and social life had already changed dramatically, the Covid-19 pandemic further accelerated the adoptions of new norms. The question is, are leadership, management and corporate governance practices in most organizations keeping pace?  Or are we are still trying to run companies with tools, frameworks and thinking designed in the 1960s?

Based on global research spanning 28 countries and including responses of approximately 16,000 executives, Open Source Leadership explores what is required to tackle the daunting challenges and exciting opportunities of today’s transparent, free, and empowered workforce. It also explores the drivers of motivation for superior performance in a highly connected, fast-moving 21st century.

This keynote or programreviews leadership and governance trends that will drive engagement and innovation in the modern Open Source era. It walks participants through the vision, insight, and practices that have helped some of today’s largest and most influential organizations to meet the open source world head on. It all starts with directors and leaders asking the right questions:

  • What’s the most effective leadership style in a world of 24/7 connectivity?
  • How has the very concept of leadership changed in the open source era?
  • How do you inspire and reward performance in the gig economy?
  • How do you measure engagement and effectively address the gaps?
  • How can you lead innovation — quickly and continuously?
  • How must corporate boards change their governance practices in today’s digitally transparent world?

The Open Source Leadership session is an interactive exchange that will challenge conventional wisdom and practice around personal and organizational leadership; and offer a very different perspective – one that is much more suited to today’s uber-connected and uber-populated age. It is based on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller Open Source Leadership: Reinventing Management When There’s No More Business as Usual, published by McGraw Hill Education New York.

As a result of attending this program, participants will be better able to:

  • Recognize what has changed in social and business life due to connectivity and digitalization
  • Identify notions of leadership and management that are outdated in today’s context
  • Redefine leadership and management for the open source era
  • Maximize productivity and performance of their workforce while minimizing supervision

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